Shame, the Bain of Christian Living
Shame is a powerful emotional response to our sense of personal guilt. There is a sense of shame when we realize our choices, behaviors, aspects of our lives are unholy in the presence of our most Holy God. Today, I speak of profound shame, a shame born of a maturing awareness of the Holiness of God. There have been times in my life when I give serious thought to the whole of life I find pockets of deep embarrassment regarding things I have done or things left undone. Often when looking backward, looking to my past, I still feel deep shame. The older I become, the more I discover of the beauty of the Holiness of God, I find myself captured in my shame. As a Christian, I am very confident that God has forgiven me of every iniquity in my life; there is not a single sin that God has not, is not or will not forgive. I am confident in God's forgiveness for my hope is in the merciful Christ as expressed in the crucifixion of Jesus for me. And while I am confident, I find mysel...