
Showing posts from 2016
      There are many challenges facing men today.  It is difficult to be a man of God in an environment that demands compromise as the measure of worldly civility, tolerance and community.  Too much of humanity is seeking accommodation for all expressions of living without regard for what is right, for what is wrong.  Herein, this “accommodation”, is the foundation to the spiritual anarchy we are experiencing in the Church in American today.  Ultimately, the root of this spiritual anarchy is in our ignorance; ignorance of what constitutes for men Godly character.  In every aspect of life, men do not know how to respond to the challenges that are demanding us to compromise, to accommodate every social/political hurricane blasting across our lives.  Men find themselves buffeted by storms of worldly compromise at every turn.  Without a proper understanding and pursuit of Godly character to many men collapse from the beatings of the s...

Confessing Christ, What Does It Mean?

“…to express our attachment to him in every way possible…” Confessing Christ, What does it mean?     Recently, I have read articles where notable Christian leaders are telling us that Donald Trump is a Christian because they heard that another Christian leader “personally led him to the Lord.”  I have not heard or read anything where Mr. Trump has personally and publicly acknowledge Christ as Lord and Savior.  Is the issue of what others say really important to the election, not really; yet it is to the degree that national Christian leaders are using Trump’s new relationship with God to justify voting for him in this election.       As I was weighing the significance of this issue, I began to ask myself what does confessing Christ look like in the scriptures? Do I really understand the call to “confess Christ before men” in my own personal life?  While wrestling with all this about someone else, I began to study the issue of confe...

"Only the Lord Knows the Condition of a Person's Heart"

My intent here is to help the body of Christ to act with more discernment in our personal lives and to live more fruitful lives.  I have heard this statement many times and even I have relied on these same words when unsure of a person’s character or motives.  It really is true in so many circumstance in life.  I do want to bring a word of caution regarding solely relying on this statement as an excuse for glossing over the character of people. First, let me state I do not believe we should judge people blindly.  Nor should we use this truth about judging to avoid testing people.  Evaluating and discerning people is a reality within the body of Christ.  It occurs all the time.  In fact, scripture exhorts us to test people and the statements they are making.  Consider the following passages: ·          1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: beca...