
Showing posts from July, 2016

"Only the Lord Knows the Condition of a Person's Heart"

My intent here is to help the body of Christ to act with more discernment in our personal lives and to live more fruitful lives.  I have heard this statement many times and even I have relied on these same words when unsure of a person’s character or motives.  It really is true in so many circumstance in life.  I do want to bring a word of caution regarding solely relying on this statement as an excuse for glossing over the character of people. First, let me state I do not believe we should judge people blindly.  Nor should we use this truth about judging to avoid testing people.  Evaluating and discerning people is a reality within the body of Christ.  It occurs all the time.  In fact, scripture exhorts us to test people and the statements they are making.  Consider the following passages: ·          1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: beca...